CHURCH CHURCH, The Belongs to God # 1Ti 3:15 The body of Christ # Eph 1:23 Col 1:24 Christ, the foundation-stone of # 1Co 3:11 Eph 2:20 1Pe 2:4,5 Christ,…
The Reading Room
CHURCH CHURCH, The Belongs to God # 1Ti 3:15 The body of Christ # Eph 1:23 Col 1:24 Christ, the foundation-stone of # 1Co 3:11 Eph 2:20 1Pe 2:4,5 Christ,…
CONFESSING Christ CONFESSING Christ Influences of the Holy Spirit necessary to # 1Co 12:3 1Jo 4:2 A test of being saints # 1Jo 2:23 4:2,3 An evidence of union with…
DESPAIR DESPAIR Produced in the wicked by divine judgments # De 28:34,67 Re 9:6 16:10 LEADS TO 2a) Continuing in sin # Jer 2:25 18:12 2b) Blasphemy # Isa 8:21…
DRAGON DRAGON, The Often of a red colour # Re 12:3 DESCRIBED AS 2a) Powerful # Re 12:4 2b) Poisonous # De 32:33 2c) Of solitary habits # Job 30:29…
ENTERTAINMENTS ENTERTAINMENTS Often great # Ge 21:8 Da 5:1 Lu 5:29 GIVEN ON OCCASIONS OF 2a) Marriage # Mt 22:2 2b) Birthdays # Mr 6:21 2c) Weaning children # Ge…
FASTING FASTING Spirit of, explained # Isa 58:6,7 Not to be made a subject of display # Mt 6:16-18 Should be to God # Zec 7:5 Mt 6:18 For the…
FIRST Born FIRST Born, The Of man and beast dedicated to God # Ex 13:2,12 22:29 Dedicated to commemorate the sparing of the first born of Israel # Ex 13:15…