Evolution What A Joke
Evolution What A Joke EVOLUTION (What a joke!) There is a place called, "Creation Research Society of Ann Arbor, Michigan" where there are over 450 Scientist Members, with Master's Degrees…
The Reading Room
Evolution What A Joke EVOLUTION (What a joke!) There is a place called, "Creation Research Society of Ann Arbor, Michigan" where there are over 450 Scientist Members, with Master's Degrees…
Great Myths Of Evolution 8 GREAT MYTHS OF EVOLUTION #8 by David N. Menton GIVEN ENOUGH TIME ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE - EVEN EVOLUTION This myth is the ultimate argument of…
Let The Oceans Speak Table Of Table Of Contents LET THE OCEANS SPEAK by Harold Camping Introduction 1> The Oceans - A Key to the Past 2> Time Schedule Based…
Origin Of Limestone Caves No. 79 Origin of Limestone Caves By Steven A. Austin, Ph.D.* INTRODUCTION A cave is a natural opening or cavity within the earth, generally extending from…
Six literal days of Creation Six Literal Days Of Creation The concept of theistic evolution does violence to the Scriptures since its acceptance casts doubt on the reliability of the…
The Anticreationist VITAL ARTICLES ON Science Creation No. 97 The Anti-Creationist By Henry M. Morris, Ph. D. There are many evolutionists who evaluate scientific data objectively, even in relation to…
The Failure Of The Big Bang The Big Bang Or Creation? David Layzer, of Harvard, in attempting to deal with this problem, has first redefined "times' arrow" (a term coined…
The Origin Of Life Mike Paulson on EVOLUTION (The Origin of Life) The theory of evolution has a fatal flaw right at the beginning: it is impossible to account for…
by Ken Ham "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?" (Job 38:4). What a science lesson God had for Job! God was teaching Job the philosophy…
1 THE INVASION OF PLANET EART F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 1 THE INVASION OF PLANET EARTH PRAY Thank you for the Bible, Lord God;…