SAMARIA SAMARIA, Modern Situated between Judea and Galilee # Lu 17:11 Joh 4:3,4 Had many cities # Mt 10:5 Lu 9:52 CITIES OF, MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE 3a) Samaria # Ac…
The Reading Room
SAMARIA SAMARIA, Modern Situated between Judea and Galilee # Lu 17:11 Joh 4:3,4 Had many cities # Mt 10:5 Lu 9:52 CITIES OF, MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE 3a) Samaria # Ac…
SERPENTS SERPENTS Created by God # Job 26:13 Characterised as subtle # Ge 3:1 Mt 10:16 Called crooked # Job 26:13 Isa 27:1 Unclean and unfit for food # Mt…
TRAVELLERS TRAVELLERS Called way-faring men # Jud 19:17 Isa 35:8 Preparations made by, alluded to # Eze 12:3,4 Often collected together and formed caravans # Ge 37:25 Isa 21:13 Lu…
UNICORN UNICORN Generally had a single horn # Ps 92:10 Sometimes found with two horns # De 33:17 DESCRIBED AS 3a) Intractable in disposition # Job 39:9,10,12 3b) Of vast…
WITNESS of The Holy Spirit WITNESS of The Holy Spirit Is truth # 1Jo 5:6 To be implicitly received # 1Jo 5:6,9 BORNE TO CHRIST 3a) As Messiah # Lu…
History of the star of David MAGEN DAVID: . It was used by Jews in the third century. It is also found on a Hebrew seal discovered in Sidon and…
The case of the mistaken identi THE CASE OF MISTAKEN IDENTITY by Rachmiel Frydland Much has been written and discussed about the outstanding section of Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12 in…