Divisions In The bible
Divisions In The bible Divisions in the Bible The Bible mentions two kinds of division. One caused by Christ and one caused by false leaders. The division caused by Christ…
The Reading Room
Divisions In The bible Divisions in the Bible The Bible mentions two kinds of division. One caused by Christ and one caused by false leaders. The division caused by Christ…
Future Second Coming Of Chris FUTURE THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST I. Introduction The Bible tells us that as Christians we are only pilgrims in this world, citizens of a…
In Defense Of The Trinity IN DEFENSE OF THE TRINITY Every cult and false religion denies in differing ways that the Lord Jesus is God Almighty in human flesh. The…
Millennial Views An Overview Millennial Views - An Overview by John C. Darrow Millennium is a Latin term meaning "thousand years". The Old Testament speaks often of the Age to…
Praying In Tongues unscriptura Praying in Tongues? Does the Bible teach that the gift of tongues was to be used in prayer? Those within the charismatic movement believe it does.…
Q22 Christoffice of Rede 22 Q What offices does Christ execute as our Redeemer? A Christ as our Redeemer executes the offices of a prophet, # Ac 3:22 of a…
Q36 believersat death 36 Q What benefits do believers receive from Christ at their death? A The souls of believers are at their death made perfect in holiness, # Heb…
Q51 How is the sabbath to be s 51 Q How is the Sabbath to be sanctified? A The Sabbath is to be sanctified by a holy resting all that…
Q66 Are all transgressionsh 66 Q Are all transgressions of the law equally heinous? A Some sins in themselves, and by reason of various aggravations, are more heinous in the…
Q80 What is the Lords supper 80 Q What is the Lord's Supper? A The Lord's Supper is an ordinance of the New Testament, instituted by Jesus Christ; wherein, by…