PLAGUE or Pestilence
PLAGUE or Pestilence PLAGUE or Pestilence, The Inflicted by God # Eze 14:19 Hab 3:5 One of God's four sore judgments # Eze 14:21 Described as noisome # Ps 9:13…
The Reading Room
PLAGUE or Pestilence PLAGUE or Pestilence, The Inflicted by God # Eze 14:19 Hab 3:5 One of God's four sore judgments # Eze 14:21 Described as noisome # Ps 9:13…
PRISONS PRISONS Antiquity of # Ge 39:20 KINDS OF, MENTIONED 2a) State # Jer 37:21 Ge 39:20 2b) Common # Ac 5:18 3) Dungeons attached to # Jer 38:6 Zec…
REVILING AND REPROACHING REVILING AND REPROACHING Forbidden # 1Pe 3:9 Of rulers specially forbidden # Ex 22:28 Ac 23:4,5 THE WICKED UTTER, AGAINST 3a) God # Ps 74:22 79:12 3b)…
SEEKING GOD SEEKING GOD Commanded # Isa 55:6 Mt 7:7 INCLUDES SEEKING 2a) His Name # Ps 83:16 2b) His word # Isa 34:16 2c) His face # Ps 27:8…
SIMPLICITY SIMPLICITY Is opposed to fleshly wisdom # 2Co 1:12 Necessity for # Mt 18:2,3 SHOULD BE EXHIBITED 3a) In preaching the gospel # 1Th 2:3-7 3b) In acts of…
TITLES and Names of the Holy Sp TITLES and Names of the Holy Spirit Breath of the Almighty # Job 33:4 Comforter # Joh 14:16,26 15:26 Eternal Spirit # Heb…
Titles and Names of the Devil Titles and Names of the Devil Abaddon # Re 9:11 Accuser of our brethren # Re 12:10 Adversary # 1Pe 5:8 Angel of the…