Q62 What is required in the ni
Q62 What is required in the ni 62 Q What is required in the ninth commandment? A The ninth commandment requires the maintaining and promoting of truth between man and…
The Reading Room
Q62 What is required in the ni 62 Q What is required in the ninth commandment? A The ninth commandment requires the maintaining and promoting of truth between man and…
Q77 Are the infantsto be ba 77 Q Are the infants of such as are professing to be baptised? A The infants of such as are professing believers are not…
Sabbatical Study SABBATICAL STUDY Question one: Who can/must celebrate the "feasts" and the Sabbaths? Exodus 20:1-11 And God spoke all these words: "I am the LORD your God, who brought…
Spiritual Swordmanship part 3 SPIRITUAL SWORDSMANSHIP or Defending Yourself against False Doctrines SECTION C THE "SKIPPING ROCKS" TRAP One thing that often happens in a discussion on religion is that…
The Demise Of Demonology 10 This information is copyrighted. You may use it, or reproduce it entirely. You may not alter the information out of its context. Attribution is required…
The Man Of Sin And The Rapture Timing Of The Rapture - 4 of 5 THE MAN OF SIN AND THE RAPTURE As we look at II Thessalonians 2, we…
The Parentage Of Christ THE PARENTAGE OF CHRIST By W.E. Biederwolf "What think ye of Christ? whose son is he?" Matt 22:42 Many people today want us to believe that…
The Trinity Part 7 (continued) Finally, a common element of Oneness-Pentecostal writing is the criticism of the usage of non-Biblical terminology to answer the questions of God's existence and being.…
Tithing TITHING Tithing is an Old Testament command that was for the Jews and was in reality their "taxation" system. The tithe consisted of the Temple tax, the Land Sabbath…
When Exactly Was Christ Born WHEN EXACTLY WAS CHRIST BORN? All right, get Luke chapter 2 in one hand, and get Hebrews chapter 1 in the other. Hebrews 1:10: "And,…