AMMONITES AMMONITES, The DESCENT of # Ge 19:38 CALLED the 2a) Children of Lot # De 2:19 2b) Children of Ammon # Jer 25:21 3) Governed by hereditary kings #…
The Reading Room
AMMONITES AMMONITES, The DESCENT of # Ge 19:38 CALLED the 2a) Children of Lot # De 2:19 2b) Children of Ammon # Jer 25:21 3) Governed by hereditary kings #…
ARROWS ARROWS Deadly and destructive weapons # Pr 26:18 Called shafts # Isa 49:2 Sharp # Ps 120:4 Isa 5:28 Bright and polished # Isa 49:2 Jer 51:11 Sometimes poisoned…
BURIAL BURIAL Probable origin of # Ge 4:9,10 Design of # Ge 23:3,4 ATTENDED BY 3a) Family of the dead # Ge 50:5,6,8 Mt 8:21 3b) Numbers of friends, &c…
CHARITY CHARITY Explained # 1Co 13:4-7 Enjoined See topic "Love to man" 7312 # Col 3:14
COMMUNION of the Lord COMMUNION of the Lord's Supper Prefigured # Ex 12:21-28 1Co 5:7,8 Instituted # Mt 26:26 1Co 11:23 Object of # Lu 22:19 1Co 11:24,26 Is the…
CREATION CREATION The formation of things which had no previous existence # Ro 4:17 Heb 11:3 EFFECTED 2a) By God # Ge 1:1 2:4,5 Pr 26:10 2b) By Christ #…
DEFILEMENT DEFILEMENT Forbidden to the Jews # Le 11:44,45 THINGS LIABLE TO CEREMONIAL 2a) The person # Le 5:3 2b) Garments # Le 13:59 2c) Furniture, &c # Le 15:9,10…
DIVORCE DIVORCE Law of marriage against # Ge 2:24 Mt 19:6 PERMITTED 2a) By the Mosaic law # De 24:1 2b) On account of hardness of heart # Mt 19:8…
EDOMITES EDOMITES, The Descended from Esau # Ge 36:9 Dwelt in Mount Seir # Ge 32:3 De 2:4,5 WERE CALLED 3a) Children of Esau # De 2:4 3b) Brethren of…