REPHAIM REPHAIM, or Giants, The Subdued by Chedorlaomer # Ge 14:5 Dwelt in Canaan # Jos 17:15 Og the king of Bashan was of # Jos 13:12 THE VALLEY OF…
The Reading Room
REPHAIM REPHAIM, or Giants, The Subdued by Chedorlaomer # Ge 14:5 Dwelt in Canaan # Jos 17:15 Og the king of Bashan was of # Jos 13:12 THE VALLEY OF…
SCORPION SCORPION, The Armed with a sharp sting in its tail # Re 9:10 Sting of, venomous and caused torment # Re 9:5 Abounded in the great desert # De…
SHIELDS SHIELDS A part of defensive armour # Ps 115:9 140:7 FREQUENTLY MADE OF, OR COVERED WITH 2a) Gold # 2Sa 8:7 1Ki 10:17 2b) Brass # 1Ki 14:27 3)…
THANKSGIVING THANKSGIVING Christ set an example of # Mt 11:25 26:27 Joh 6:11 11:41 The heavenly host engaged in # Re 4:9 7:11,12 11:16,17 Commanded # Ps 50:14 Php 4:6…
TRUMPET TRUMPET An instrument of music # 1Ch 13:8 Called the trump # 1Co 15:52 MADE OF 3a) Rams' horns # Jos 6:4 3b) Silver # Nu 10:2 4) Required…
USURY or Interest USURY or Interest The lending of money or other property for increase # Le 25:37 Those enriched by unlawful, not allowed to enjoy their gain # Ps…
WAVE OFFERING WAVE OFFERING Placed in the hand of the priest and waved before the Lord # Ex 29:24 Le 8:27 CONSISTED OF 2a) The fat, right shoulder, &c of…