PATRIARCHAL Government PATRIARCHAL Government Vested in the heads of families # Ge 18:19 EXERCISED IN 2a) Training, &c their servants for war # Ge 14:14 2b) Vindicating their wrongs #…
The Reading Room
PATRIARCHAL Government PATRIARCHAL Government Vested in the heads of families # Ge 18:19 EXERCISED IN 2a) Training, &c their servants for war # Ge 14:14 2b) Vindicating their wrongs #…
POWER of GOD POWER of GOD, The Is one of his attributes # Ps 62:11 EXPRESSED BY THE 2a) Voice of God # Ps 29:3,5 68:33 2b) Finger of God…
PROPHETS PROPHETS, False Pretended to be sent by God # Jer 23:17,18,31 Not sent or commissioned by God # Jer 14:14 23:21 29:31 Made use of by God to prove…
RED HEIFER RED HEIFER, The To be without spot or blemish # Nu 19:2 To ge given to Eleazar the second priest to offer # Nu 19:3 To be slain…
SCIENCES SCIENCES Architecture # De 8:12 1Ch 29:19 Arithmetic # Ge 15:5 Le 26:8 Job 29:18 Astronomy # Job 38:31,32 Isa 13:10 Astrology # Isa 47:13 Botany # 1Ki 4:33…
SHEPHERDS SHEPHERDS Early mention of # Ge 4:2 Usually carried a scrip or bag # 1Sa 17:40 Carried a staff or rod # Le 27:32 Ps 23:4 Dwelt in tents…
SOBRIETY SOBRIETY Commanded # 1Pe 1:13 5:8 The gospel designed to teach # Tit 2:11,12 With watchfulness # 1Th 5:6 With prayer # 1Pe 4:7 REQUIRED IN 5a) Ministers #…
TEMPTATION TEMPTATION God cannot be the subject of # Jas 1:13 Does not come from God # Jas 1:13 COMES FROM 3a) Lusts # Jas 1:14 3b) Covetousness # Pr…
TRIBUTE TRIBUTE Sometimes exacted by kings from their own subjects # 1Sa 8:10-17 Exacted from all conquered nations # Jos 16:10 Jud 1:30,33,35 2Ki 23:33,35 OFTEN EXACTED IN 3a) Labour…