FEAST of Sabbatical Year
FEAST of Sabbatical Year, The A sabbath for the land # Le 25:2 Kept every seventh year # Ex 23:11 Le 25:4 Surplus of sixth year to provide for #…
The Reading Room
FEAST of Sabbatical Year, The A sabbath for the land # Le 25:2 Kept every seventh year # Ex 23:11 Le 25:4 Surplus of sixth year to provide for #…
FORSAKING God FORSAKING God Idolaters guilty of # 1Sa 8:8 1Ki 11:33 The wicked guilty of # De 28:20 Backsliders guilty of # Jer 15:6 IS FORSAKING 4a) His house…
GIFT of the Holy Spirit GIFT of the Holy Spirit, The By the Father # Ne 9:20 Lu 11:13 By the Son # Joh 20:22 To Christ without measure #…
HAPPINESS of the Wicked HAPPINESS of the Wicked, The Is limited to this life # Ps 17:14 Lu 16:25 Is short # Job 20:5 Is uncertain # Lu 12:20 Jas…
HIGH Priest HIGH Priest, The Specially called of God # Ex 28:1,2 Heb 5:4 Consecrated to his office # Ex 40:13 Le 8:12 WAS CALLED 3a) The priest # Ex…
HUMILITY HUMILITY Necessary to the service of God # Mic 6:8 Christ an example of # Mt 11:29 Joh 13:14,15 Php 2:5-8 A characteristic of saints # Ps 34:2 THE…
JUSTIFICATION before God JUSTIFICATION before God Promised in Christ # Isa 45:25 53:11 Is the act of God # Isa 50:8 Ro 8:33 UNDER LAW 3a) Requires perfect obedience #…
LIBERALITY LIBERALITY Pleasing to God # 2Co 9:7 Heb 13:16 God never forgets # Heb 6:10 Christ set an example of # 2Co 8:9 Characteristic of saints # Ps 112:9…
MALICE MALICE Springs from an evil heart # Mt 15:19,20 Ga 5:19 Forbidden # 1Co 14:20 Col 3:8 Eph 4:26,27 A hindrance to growth in grace # 1Pe 2:1,2 Incompatible…