The Reading Room


SWORD SWORD, The Probable origin # Ge 3:24 Was pointed # Eze 21:15 Frequently had two edges # Ps 149:6 DESCRIBED AS 4a) Sharp # Ps 57:4 4b) Bright #…


Tribes of Israel

Tribes of Israel Tribes of Israel, The Were twelve in number # Ge 49:28 Ac 26:12 Jas 1:1 Descended from Jacob's sons # Ge 35:22-26 Manasseh and Ephraim numbered among,…

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WAITING Upon God WAITING Upon God As the God of providence # Jer 14:22 As the God of salvation # Ps 25:5 As the Giver of all temporal blessings #…

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WINTER WINTER God makes # Ps 74:17 Yearly return of, secured by covenant # Ge 8:22 Coldness and inclemency of, noticed # Pr 20:4 Joh 10:22 UNSUITED FOR 4a) Travelling…


The Two Covenant Theory

The Two Covenant Theory The Two Covenant Theory by Dr. Michael Schiffman Some people have said that Jewish people already have a covenant with God and do not need Yeshua…

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On feeling bad

On feeling bad Be sure to read the article first, omitting the Scriptures. Then look up the Scriptures and mark them in your Bible. Feel free to pass copies of…

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