The Heritage Of The Recapitulat
The Heritage Of The Recapitulat No. 183 THE HERITAGE OF THE RECAPITULATION THEORY by Henry M. Morris* Ideas have consequences, and false ideas sometimes generate bitter consequences. One of the…
The Reading Room
The Heritage Of The Recapitulat No. 183 THE HERITAGE OF THE RECAPITULATION THEORY by Henry M. Morris* Ideas have consequences, and false ideas sometimes generate bitter consequences. One of the…
The Substance Of Life The Substance Of Life Hello my friend: Through my college science classes, I have discovered many wonderful "truths". These truths being that everything is made up…
What fossils say about creation What Fossils Say About Creation Another look at the fossil record will reveal an interesting fact. The creationist theorizes that life appeared suddenly and in…
23 WHO COMES FIRST F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 23 WHO COMES FIRST PRAY Enlighten my mind and prepare my heart for your word today,…
38 ANSWER THE CALL F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 38 ANSWER THE CALL PRAY Lord, give me wisdom as I read your word today. READ…
52 TWO MEN ON TRIAL F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 52 TWO MEN ON TRIAL ---------------------------------------------------------------- PRAY Teach me more of your way for me,…
67 PETER SPEAKS OUT F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 67 PETER SPEAKS OUT PRAY Lord, help me to keep your laws and walk in your…
81 OBJECTION OVERRULED F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 81 OBJECTION OVERRULED PRAY Help me to understand the deep truths in this passage of scripture, righteous…
96 A MAJESTIC VISION F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 96 A MAJESTIC VISION PRAY 'Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.' Help me to worship you…
FOOD FOR THE JOURNEY FOOD FOR THE JOURNEY With the help of FOOTHOLD you have begun your journey with the Bible. Let Scripture Union's quarterly notes keep you going. On…