The Reading Room

Alone With Christ

Alone With Christ Gem #66 - Alone with Christ Some persons say they cannot bear to spend one hour in quiet solitude; they have nothing to do, nothing to think…

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Communion With God

Communion With God Gem #1 - Communion with God "All my fountains are in you," said David. If you have all your fountains in God, your heart will be completely…

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Confession 9 Healing

Confession 9 Healing CONFESSION 9 HEALING I cry unto the Lord because He is my healer. He sends His Word and I am healed. He was wounded for my transgressions…

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Do Right

Do Right "DO RIGHT" by Greg Estep Ephesians chapter 4. One of the commissions given to any pastor or preacher or evangelist is to exhort people. I'm an exhorter. Not…

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Gods Gifts

Gods Gifts Gem #58 - God's Gifts Faith is the gift of God. Does my earthly, natural father love me because he fed me, and because he clothed me? No,…

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How Can I Parent Alone

How Can I Parent Alone How Can I Parent Alone? by Robert Barnes Eighty-nine percent of the custodial parents in our country are women. These single parents experience tremendous needs,…

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