ASCENSION of Christ ASCENSION of Christ, The Prophecies respecting # Ps 24:7 68:18 Eph 4:7,8 Foretold by himself # Joh 6:62 7:33 14:28 16:5 20:17 Forty days after his resurrection…
The Reading Room
ASCENSION of Christ ASCENSION of Christ, The Prophecies respecting # Ps 24:7 68:18 Eph 4:7,8 Foretold by himself # Joh 6:62 7:33 14:28 16:5 20:17 Forty days after his resurrection…
CHERUBIM CHERUBIM Form and appearance of # Eze 1:5-11,13,14 Animated by the Spirit of God # Eze 1:12,20 Engaged in accomplishing the purposes of God # Eze 1:15,21 10:9-11,16,17 The…
COMPASSION and Sympathy COMPASSION and Sympathy Christ set an example of # Lu 19:41,42 Exhortation to # Ro 12:15 1Pe 3:8 EXERCISE TOWARDS 3a) The afflicted # Job 6:14 Heb…
Canaanites Canaanites, The Descended from Ham # Ge 10:6 An accursed race # Ge 9:25,26 Different families of # Ge 10:15-18 Comprised seven distinct nations # De 7:1 Possessions of,…
DELUGE DELUGE, The Sent as a punishment for the extreme wickedness of man # Ge 6:5-7,11-13,17 CALLED THE 2a) Flood # Ge 9:28 2b) Waters of Noah # Isa 54:9…
DOCTRINES of the Gospel DOCTRINES of the Gospel, The Are from God # Joh 7:16 Ac 13:12 Are taught by Scripture # 2Ti 3:16 Are godly # 1Ti 6:3 Tit…
ELECTION ELECTION Of Christ, as Messiah # Isa 42:1 1Pe 2:6 Of good angels # 1Ti 5:21 Of Israel # De 7:6 Isa 45:5 Of ministers # Lu 6:13 Ac…
FAITHFULNESS of God FAITHFULNESS of God, The Is part of his character # Isa 49:7 1Co 1:9 1Th 5:24 DECLARED TO BE 2a) Great # La 3:23 2b) Established #…