POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT, The Is the power of God # Mt 12:28 Lu 11:20 Christ commenced his ministry in # Lu 4:14 Christ…
The Reading Room
POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT, The Is the power of God # Mt 12:28 Lu 11:20 Christ commenced his ministry in # Lu 4:14 Christ…
PROSELYTES PROSELYTES Described # Es 8:17 Isa 56:3 REQUIRED 2a) To give up all heathen practices # Ezr 6:21 2b) To give up all heathen associates # Ru 1:16 2:11…
REPENTANCE REPENTANCE What it is # Isa 45:22 Mt 6:19-21 Ac 14:15 2Co 5:17 Col 3:2 1Th 1:9 Heb 12:1,2 Commanded to all by God # Eze 18:30-32 Ac 17:30…
RIVERS RIVERS Source of # Job 28:10 Ps 104:8,10 Enclosed within banks # Da 12:5 Flow through valleys # Ps 104:8,10 SOME OF 4a) Great and mighty # Ge 15:18…
SCORNING AND MOCKING SCORNING AND MOCKING The sufferings of Christ by, predicted # Ps 22:6-8 Isa 53:3 Lu 18:32 Christ endured # Mt 9:24 27:29 SAINTS ENDURE, ON ACCOUNT OF…
SHEWBREAD SHEWBREAD Twelve cakes of fine flour # Le 24:5 Called hallowed bread # 1Sa 21:4 Materials for, provided by the people # Le 24:8 Ne 10:32,33 Prepared by Levites…
TRINITY TRINITY, The Doctrine of proved from Scripture # Mt 3:16,17 28:19 Ro 8:9 1Co 12:3-6 2Co 13:14 # Eph 4:4-6 1Pe 1:2 Jude 1:20,21 Re 1:4,5 Divine titles applied…
URIM and Thummim URIM and Thummim Placed in the breastplate of the high priest # Ex 28:30 Le 8:8 God to be consulted by # Nu 27:21 Instances of consulting…