RESIGNATION RESIGNATION Christ set and example of # Mt 26:39-44 Joh 12:27 18:11 Commanded # Ps 37:7 46:10 SHOULD BE EXHIBITED IN 3a) Submission to the will of God #…
The Reading Room
RESIGNATION RESIGNATION Christ set and example of # Mt 26:39-44 Joh 12:27 18:11 Commanded # Ps 37:7 46:10 SHOULD BE EXHIBITED IN 3a) Submission to the will of God #…
SABBATH SABBATH, The Instituted by God # Ge 2:3 Grounds of its institution # Ge 2:2,3 Ex 20:11 The seventh day observed as # Ex 20:9-11 Made for man #…
SICKNESS SICKNESS Sent by God # De 28:59-61 32:39 2Sa 12:15 Ac 12:23 The devil sometimes permitted to inflict # Job 2:6,7 Lu 9:39 13:16 Often brought on by intemperance…
STRIFE STRIFE Christ, an example of avoiding # Isa 42:2 Mt 12:15-19 Lu 9:52-56 1Pe 2:23 Forbidden # Pr 3:30 25:8 A work of the flesh # Ga 5:20 An…
THRESHING THRESHING The removing or separating corn, &c form the straw # 1Ch 21:20 WAS PERFORMED 2a) By a rod or staff # Isa 28:27 2b) By cart wheels #…
TRUTH of God TRUTH of God, The Is one of his attributes # De 32:4 Isa 65:16 Always goes before his face # Ps 89:14 He keeps, for ever #…
VALLEYS VALLEYS Tracts of land between mountains # 1Sa 17:3 CALLED 2a) Vales # De 1:7 Jos 10:40 2b) Dales # Ge 14:17 2Sa 18:18 2c) Fat valleys, when fruitful…
PesachShabbat morning havdalah Messianic Pesach/Passover Seder. Didn't get time to put in all the translituration, and explainations, and it is short, but should be complete enough for those who'd like…