The Basic Unit Of Life
The Basic Unit Of Life The Basic Unit Of LIfe by Dr. S.H. Tow Darwin's hypothesis of "spontaneous generation" of life was founded on the belief that at that time…
The Reading Room
The Basic Unit Of Life The Basic Unit Of LIfe by Dr. S.H. Tow Darwin's hypothesis of "spontaneous generation" of life was founded on the belief that at that time…
The Gardening Ants Gardening Ants Another fascinating relationship, which has been observed in nature, concern's the Bull's Horn Acacia tree of Central and South America. this tree is furnished with…
The Sea Slug The Sea Slug One of the most intriguing mysteries among marine creatures is found in the truly remarkable sea slug. The sea slug lives along the sea…
What does the fossil evidence r Origins: What Does the Fossil Evidence Reveal? In 1859 Charles Darwin published a book entitled The Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection.…
21 WELCOME VISITORS F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 21 WELCOME VISITORS PRAY Speak to me today, Lord, that I may speak your word to others.…
36 JUDGEMENT AND GENEROSITY F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 36 JUDGEMENT AND GENEROSITY PRAY Thank you Father for the Scriptures - for their inspiration by…
50 SACRIFICE OR SELF F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 50 SACRIFICE OR SELF-CENTREDNESS PRAY "God be merciful to us and bless us: look on us…
65 WAITING TOGETHER F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 65 WAITING TOGETHER PRAY Lord, enable me to put aside those things which discourage me from praying…
7 CONSTANT CARING F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 7 CONSTANT CARING PRAY Thank you, Lord God, for your constant love, Help me to learn more…
94 ENCOURAGEMENT IN HARD TIME F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 94 ENCOURAGEMENT IN HARD TIMES PRAY Help me to see Jesus more clearly today, please…