The Reading Room

Primary Loyalty

Primary Loyalty PRIMARY LOYALTY The Bible teaches that in heaven there will be redeemed people from every language and ethnic group, from every racial group, from all the families and…

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Your Testament

Your Testament YOUR TESTAMENT ... A TESTIMONY By Scott L. Smith, Vice President/Director of Development "For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no…

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Turmoil In The Toybox

Turmoil In The Toybox TURMOIL IN THE TOYBOX by Phil Phillips (Starburst Publishers) Review by Margo Seiple . Phil Phillips is an evangelist/author, recognized as the leading authority in the…

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Situation Ethics

Situation Ethics SITUATION ETHICS "LOVING EXAMPLES? . Cathy and Bill have finally told their parents about their living arrangements. The older folks were shocked. But the kids exclaim, "We only…

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