CREDITORS CREDITORS Defined # Phm 1:18 MIGHT DEMAND 2a) Pledges # De 24:10,11 Pr 22:27 2b) Security of others # Pr 6:1 22:26 2c) Mortgages on property # Ne 5:3…
The Reading Room
CREDITORS CREDITORS Defined # Phm 1:18 MIGHT DEMAND 2a) Pledges # De 24:10,11 Pr 22:27 2b) Security of others # Pr 6:1 22:26 2c) Mortgages on property # Ne 5:3…
DELIGHTING in God DELIGHTING in God Commanded # Ps 37:4 Reconciliation leads to # Job 22:21,26 Observing the sabbath leads to # Isa 58:13,14 SAINTS' EXPERIENCE IN 4a) Communion with…
DOCTRINES DOCTRINES, False Destructive to faith # 2Ti 2:18 Hateful to God # Re 2:14,15 Unprofitable and vain # Tit 3:9 Heb 13:9 SHOULD BE AVOIDED BY 4a) Ministers #…
FAITHFULNESS FAITHFULNESS A characteristic of saints # Eph 1:1 Col 1:2 1Ti 6:2 Re 17:14 EXHIBITED IN 2a) The service of God # Mt 24:45 2b) Declaring the word of…
FEAST of the New Moon FEAST of the New Moon, The Held first day of the month # Nu 10:10 Celebrated with blowing of trumpets # Nu 10:10 Ps 81:3,4…
FOUNDATION FOUNDATION The lowest part of a building, and on which it rests # Lu 14:29 Ac 16:26 FIGURATIVELY APPLIED TO 2a) The heavens # 2Sa 22:8 2b) The earth…
GLORIFYING God GLORIFYING God Commanded # 1Ch 16:28 Ps 22:23 Isa 42:12 Due to him # 1Ch 16:29 FOR HIS 3a) Holiness # Ps 99:9 Re 15:4 3b) Mercy and…
HARVEST HARVEST, The Ingathering of fruits of the fields # Mr 4:29 To continue without intermission # Ge 8:22 CALLED THE 3a) Appointed weeks of harvest # Jer 5:24 3b)…
HIVITES HIVITES Descended from Canaan # Ge 10:15,17 Supposed to be the ancient Avim, or Avites # De 2:33 Jos 13:3 One of the seven nations of Canaan # De…