Encopresis Encopresis Children who soil their underwear with small amounts of loose bowel movement (BM) several times a day are said to have "soiling" or "encopresis". Usually, these children are…
The Reading Room
Encopresis Encopresis Children who soil their underwear with small amounts of loose bowel movement (BM) several times a day are said to have "soiling" or "encopresis". Usually, these children are…
Heimlich Maneuver THE HEIMLICH MANEUVER ========================= The Heimlich maneuver is used to rescue people who are choking. If a choking person cannot breathe, cough, or speak, wrap your arms around…
Nosebleeds Nosebleeds Nosebleeds (epistaxis) are very common throughout childhood. They are usually caused by rupture of a small blood vessel on the lining of the lower inside of the nose.…
Searching Medline GRATEFUL MED: A NEW WAY TO SEARCH MEDLINE The National Library of Medicine has produced a software package called GRATEFUL MED that permits health professionals and other individuals…
Two Years Old TWO YEAR OLD DATE: WEIGHT: LENGTH: DEVELOPMENT: Life with a toddler is a consuming experience. Trying to keep up with his new accomplishments is often the biggest…
Emotional Dependency 3 Emotional Dependency A Threat To Close Friendships - by Lori Thorkelson Part 3 "For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.…
Mistaken Marriage MISTAKEN MARRIAGE? To all who knew her, Bertie Barber's life seemed an ideal slice of the American Dream; a lovely suburban home, two healthy children, and of course,…
The Origins Of Homosexuality ORIGINS OF HOMOSEXUALITY Part 1 In this article, we will probe into the development of homosexuality. Is it genetic or learned behaviour? What part do parents…
XGay Fact Fraude Or Fantasy EX-GAY: Fact, Fraud, or Fantasy ? "Ex-gay" is a term which always brings a response. For the most part, the gay community believe this is…
A study of the book of Joshua JOSHUA BIBLE STUDY Study One Spies in Jericho INTRODUCTION. . I. THE CAPTAIN OF THE SPIES ENCOURAGED. . A. Joshua Commissioned by God.…