Reward of the righteous
Reward of the righteous Be sure to read the article first, omitting the Scriptures. Then look up the Scriptures and mark them in your Bible. Feel free to pass copies…
The Reading Room
Reward of the righteous Be sure to read the article first, omitting the Scriptures. Then look up the Scriptures and mark them in your Bible. Feel free to pass copies…
URBAN LEGEND The Beast Of Brus By: Rob Green URBAN LEGEND: The Beast Of Brussels .. Popular: 1973-78 .. Heard from: Pulpits, radio - Particularly Pastor Robert Johnson, then of…
CT Studd C.T. Studd 1860-1931 English missionary. C.T. Studd was the son of a wealthy man, Edward Studd, who was converted to Christ under the ministry of Dwight L. Moody…
Ernest Ira Reveal Ernest Ira Reveal 1880-1959 Rescue mission superintendent. E.I. Reveal was born in West Virginia, the oldest of twelve children. He had little education, leaving school in his…
Hyman Jedidiah Appelman Hyman Jedidiah Appelman{SCT}<BORN: January 7, 1902 Moghiliev, (White) Russia DIED: May 29, 1983 Kansas City, Missouri LIFE SPAN: 81 years, 4 months, 22 days {SCT}<IN THE PAST…
John Richard Rice John Richard Rice 1895-1980 John R. Rice was born in Cooke County, Texas, on December 11, 1895, the son of William H. and Sallie Elizabeth LaPrade Rice.…
Oliver Boyce Greene Oliver Boyce Greene 1915-1976 Oliver Boyce Greene was born on February 14, 1915, in Greenville, South Carolina. He accepted Christ as his Saviour when he was 20…
Rodney Gypsy Smith Rodney "Gypsy" Smith 1860-1947 British evangelist. Gypsy Smith was born in England. His mother died when he was a small boy. His father led him to Christ…
William Graham Scroggie William Graham Scroggie 1877-1958 William Graham Scroggie was born at Great Malvern, England, of Scottish parents. Being one of nine children in a home without normal educational…
FED WITH AN EMPTY BARREL FED WITH AN EMPTY BARREL 1 Kings 17:7-16 7 And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had…