VANITY VANITY A consequence of the fall # Ro 8:20 Every man is # Ps 39:11 Every state of man is # Ps 62:9 Man at his best estate is…
The Reading Room
VANITY VANITY A consequence of the fall # Ro 8:20 Every man is # Ps 39:11 Every state of man is # Ps 62:9 Man at his best estate is…
WHIRLWIND WHIRLWIND Generally came from the south # Job 37:9 Isa 21:1 Zec 9:14 Sometimes came from the north # Eze 1:4 Called the whirlwind of God # Jer 23:19…
Ancientmodern Rabbinic Messian Ancient Rabbinic Quotes Concerning--Messiah & the Tri-unity of HaShem !!! w Also included are some quotes from the Sibylline Oracles, Encly. Judaica/Jewish Encly., and Tanach. NOTE: Most…
Pesach weekomer RaeSheet Chag MESSIANIC PROPHECY SCRIPTURES: -He would be from the line of David. II Sam.7:8-16 Jer.23:5-6, Luke 3:23-28, Matt.1, Is.11:1, -He would be born of a virgin as…
Womens headcoverings a Messi Women's Headcoverings: A Messianic Viewpoint Introduction In Biblical times, women covered their heads with veils or scarfs a sign of chastity and modesty. The unveiling of…
Abide to stay NT WORD STUDY ABIDE References = 105 - New Testament Total occurrences = 119 KJV Greek: meno - to stay. Other uses-- abide 27, abideth 20, abode…
Grave Clothes GRAVE CLOTHES Author: Jim Fox Greek - keira = winding sheet Prepatory to burial, the body was washed, amd frequently annointed with spices, then stretched out on a…
Ichabod the glory has departe ICHABOD . Ichabod (EH'CA'VOD) - strange word for a title. Most of us are familiar with this word only as the first name chosen by…
The heart in the book of Prover THE <E>LECTRONIC <L>IBRARY E<X>CHANGE DENVER, COLORADO BBS: 303-935-6323 * THE HEART [Word Study] Wisdom From Proverbs Prov. 2:1-5 My son, if thou wilt…
Adoniram Judson Adoniram Judson 1788-1850 Pioneer missionary to Burma. Adoniram Judson was the son of a Congregational minister. He taught himself to read at the age of three, and by…