The Reading Room

Adam Reppresentative Man

Adam Reppresentative Man ADAM -- REPRESENTATIVE MAN (FIRST ADAM, LAST ADAM) Adam was more than a normal man; he was a "representative man." Adam was a progenitor, the federal head,…

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Comfort From The Bible

Comfort From The Bible Comfort From The Bible In the Bible God promises comfort to all who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ; WHEN YOU ARE TROUBLED: "Come…

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Few Are Blessed

Few Are Blessed Gem #27 - Few are Blessed If we could see things as they are--if we were not deceived by the masquerade of this poor life--if we were…

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Gods Stop Signs

Gods Stop Signs GOD'S STOP SIGNS The church was filled and the marriage ceremony had begun. Sheila, a beautiful Christian girl, walked down the aisle to take her vows with…

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His Nick Name Is Thunder

His Nick Name Is Thunder HIS NICKNAME IS THUNDER . His Nickname is Thunder, but even in Cleveland, that is a misnomer. The only thing outwardly intimidating about Andre Thornton…

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