The Trinity Part 6
The Trinity Part 6 (continued) "Therefore, when we say that Jesus is both God and Man, we mean that He is both Father and Son. As the Father, He is…
The Reading Room
The Trinity Part 6 (continued) "Therefore, when we say that Jesus is both God and Man, we mean that He is both Father and Son. As the Father, He is…
Thoughts On The TrinityDivinit Thoughts on the Trinity and The divinity of Jesus . I am constantly amazed and dismayed at how many people are questioning the divinity of Jesus.…
When Baptists Speak In Tongues THE <E>LECTRONIC <L>IBRARY E<X>CHANGE DENVER, COLORADO BBS: 303-935-6323 WHEN BAPTIST SPEAK IN TONGUES BY PHIL SCOVELL This booklet is not copyrighted. It may be reproduced…
17 Evidences against evolut 7 PART 7 17 EVIDENCES AGAINST EVOLUTION 13. SUN'S DIAMETER The sun's diameter is shrinking at the rate of five feet per hour. At this rate,…
ArchaeopteryxTransition Par ARCHAEOPTERYX Part 1 Are the features of the archaeopteryx so overwhelmingly and/or convincingly reptilian as to lead necessarily to the conclusion it is a transition between the bird…
Brainwashed by evolution 7 BRAINWASHED #7 . And now I would like to speak personally to you ... the reader of this little book. God is revealed through His creation...but…
Creation 7 CREATION #7 less relics of evolution). Uses have been found for all 180 of these. 6.4.4. Phylogeny recapitulates ontogeny (development of embryo is an instant replay of evolutionary…
Evolution A house DiViDed EVOLUTION - A HOUSE DI-VI-DED "IF a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand" (Mark 3:25. Evolutionists ardently defend their house against outsiders, but…
Flood Debate Flood Debate From: Ray To: Eric Greene Subject: FLOOD EVIDENCE * There is still alot of geological evidence. * 1.Polystratic trees are fossil trees which extend through several…
How can I findout more +------------------------+ |HOW CAN I FIND OUT MORE?| +------------------------+ Surely now you see how crucially important it is to find out if Genesis can be trusted.…