The Reading Room

The Trinity Part 6

The Trinity Part 6 (continued) "Therefore, when we say that Jesus is both God and Man, we mean that He is both Father and Son. As the Father, He is…

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ArchaeopteryxTransition Par

ArchaeopteryxTransition Par ARCHAEOPTERYX Part 1 Are the features of the archaeopteryx so overwhelmingly and/or convincingly reptilian as to lead necessarily to the conclusion it is a transition between the bird…

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Creation 7

Creation 7 CREATION #7 less relics of evolution). Uses have been found for all 180 of these. 6.4.4. Phylogeny recapitulates ontogeny (development of embryo is an instant replay of evolutionary…

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Evolution A house DiViDed

Evolution A house DiViDed EVOLUTION - A HOUSE DI-VI-DED "IF a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand" (Mark 3:25. Evolutionists ardently defend their house against outsiders, but…

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Flood Debate

Flood Debate Flood Debate From: Ray To: Eric Greene Subject: FLOOD EVIDENCE * There is still alot of geological evidence. * 1.Polystratic trees are fossil trees which extend through several…

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How can I findout more

How can I findout more +------------------------+ |HOW CAN I FIND OUT MORE?| +------------------------+ Surely now you see how crucially important it is to find out if Genesis can be trusted.…

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