The Reading Room


FATHERLESS FATHERLESS Find mercy in God # Ho 14:3 GOD WILL 2a) Be a father of # Ps 68:5 2b) Be a helper of # Ps 10:14 2c) Hear the…


FIRST Fruits

FIRST Fruits FIRST Fruits, The To be brought to God's house # Ex 34:26 DIFFERENT KINDS OF 2a) Barley harvest # Le 23:10-14 2b) Wheat harvest # Ex 23:16 Le…

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GALILEE GALILEE Separated from Judea by Samaria # Joh 4:3,4 Upper part of, called Galilee of the Gentiles # Isa 9:1 Mt 4:15 Lake of Gennesaret, called the sea of…



GOLD GOLD Found in the earth # Job 28:1,6 ABOUNDED IN 2a) Havilah # Ge 2:11 2b) Ophir # 1Ki 9:28 Ps 45:9 2c) Sheba # Ps 72:15 Isa 60:6…



HEAVE HEAVE-OFFERING To brought to God's house # De 12:6 CONSISTED OF 2a) First fruits of bread # Nu 15:19-21 2b) Right shoulder of peace offerings # Le 7:32 2c)…



HOMICIDE HOMICIDE Distinguished from murder # Ex 21:13,14 Nu 35:16-21,25 JUSTIFIABLE, DESCRIBED AS 2a) Killing persons condemned by law # Ge 9:6 Ex 35:2 Le 24:16 2b) Killing a thief…



INCENSE INCENSE Brought from Sheba # Jer 6:20 Called frankincense # So 4:6,14 An article of extensive commerce # Re 18:13 Common, not to be offered to God # Ex…


LAW of God

LAW of God LAW of God, The Is absolute and perpetual # Mt 5:18 GIVEN 2a) To Adam # Ge 2:16,17 Ro 5:12-14 2b) To Noah # Ge 9:6 2c)…

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LOVE of God

LOVE of God LOVE of God, The Is a part of his character # 2Co 13:11 1Jo 4:8 Christ, the especial object of # Joh 15:9 17:26 Christ abides in…

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