The Reading Room

Salvation and works

Salvation and works TOPICAL STUDY SALVATION AND WORKS PSA 49:7 None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him: PSA 49:8…

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Spiritual gifts

Spiritual gifts TOPICAL STUDY SPIRITUAL GIFTS ROM 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. ROM 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to…

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Wife TOPICAL STUDY WIFE GEN 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.…


Avoiding AIDS

Avoiding AIDS AVOIDING AIDS Reprinted from the September 1987 issue of "FDA Consumer," the official publication of the Food and Drug Administration. Here's what everyone should know to protect themselves…

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Constipation CONSTIPATION Normal bowel habits vary tremendously among children. It's normal for some children to have two to three BM's a day while another normal child may have one stool…



Encopresis Encopresis Children who soil their underwear with small amounts of loose bowel movement (BM) several times a day are said to have "soiling" or "encopresis". Usually, these children are…


Heimlich Maneuver

Heimlich Maneuver THE HEIMLICH MANEUVER ========================= The Heimlich maneuver is used to rescue people who are choking. If a choking person cannot breathe, cough, or speak, wrap your arms around…

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Nosebleeds Nosebleeds Nosebleeds (epistaxis) are very common throughout childhood. They are usually caused by rupture of a small blood vessel on the lining of the lower inside of the nose.…


Searching Medline

Searching Medline GRATEFUL MED: A NEW WAY TO SEARCH MEDLINE The National Library of Medicine has produced a software package called GRATEFUL MED that permits health professionals and other individuals…

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Two Years Old

Two Years Old TWO YEAR OLD DATE: WEIGHT: LENGTH: DEVELOPMENT: Life with a toddler is a consuming experience. Trying to keep up with his new accomplishments is often the biggest…

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