Ocean Sediments Analyzed Part
Ocean Sediments Analyzed Part Ocean Sediments Analyzed Let us now examine the evidence as far as the ocean sediments are concerned. In 1949 Maurice Ewing wrote in the National Geographic…
The Reading Room
Ocean Sediments Analyzed Part Ocean Sediments Analyzed Let us now examine the evidence as far as the ocean sediments are concerned. In 1949 Maurice Ewing wrote in the National Geographic…
Second Law Entropy Second Law (entropy) I'll stand by what men of science have to say about it. Entropy does not increase in an open or closed system. The Second…
Teaching Creation in schools Teaching Creation In Schools? > As I said, we have only the obligation to teach the > facts according to science, to the best of science's…
The EvolutionCreation Controve Zimmerman, Michael "The Evolution-Creation Controversy: Opinions from Students at a 'Liberal' Liberal Arts College" Ohio Journal of Science 86(4):134-139, 1986. Zimmerman, professor of biology at Oberlin College,…
The Neanderthal Man NEANDERTHAL MAN . Neanderthal Man was first discovered at about the turn of the century in a cave in the Neanderthal Valley near Dusseldorf, Germany. He was…
Two Creations in the Bible TWO CREATIONS IN THE BIBLE? So, which one is right? They're both right, but they are not speaking of two different Creations. I mean, ya…
18 A NEW START F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 18 A NEW START PRAY Dear God, as I read this chapter, please build in my…
32 ACTIONS AND ATTITUDES F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 32 ACTIONS AND ATTITUDES PRAY Father, please use the Scriptures to make my thoughts more like…
48 THE PRINCE OF PEACE F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 48 THE PRINCE OF PEACE PRAY Help me to see things clearly today as I…
62 GOD DOES NOT CHANGE F O O T ================================ H O L D READING 62 GOD DOES NOT CHANGE PRAY Give me a receptive heart and mind as I…