Rap Music A Dance Of Death
Rap Music A Dance Of Death RAP MUSIC: A DANCE OF DEATH by Jeff Godwin In April of 1989, a helpless female jogger in New York's Central Park was gang-raped…
The Reading Room
Rap Music A Dance Of Death RAP MUSIC: A DANCE OF DEATH by Jeff Godwin In April of 1989, a helpless female jogger in New York's Central Park was gang-raped…
Never Lonely NEVER LONELY "Loneliness has become one of the major problems of our day," says the State Commissioner of Public Welfare, "and we've got to do something to abolish…
No Hurry To Be Born Again No Hurry The story is told that some time ago Satan called together all the hosts of the lower realm because he wanted to…
Predictions Of The Rapture Predictions Of The Rapture A message received by Bible Bulletin Board on 10-08-88 at 14:24:24 FROM: TOM TO: SYSOP I was amazed at all of the…
Should Christians Drink Wine Co Question #3 "Should Christians drink Wine Coolers?" Answer #3 Perhaps some of you were hoping that this question didn't come up. "Should Christians drink Wine…
Prelude God does not exist The following opinion was taken from an "argument" section of one of the Columbus Ohio BBS systems. The system was CABB, the phone number is:…
Teens Are You Having Problems TEENAGERS Are you having problems in your life? Do you have questions that no one can seem to answer? If you do, Jesus can change…
The Prevention Of AIDS The Prevention of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in The U.S. (This is an Excerpt of a very EXTENSIVE and well documented report by Donald P. Francis, MD,…
These Things Will Come THESE THINGS WILL COME Bible Believers' Bulletin, December 1991, Page 7 The following article by Herb Evans gives a scriptural view of how to handle some…
They Shall Be White As Snow They Shall Be As White As Snow It was in one of our cities one Sunday evening that a young man was walking along…