The Reading Room

A Plee For Fishing

A Plee For Fishing A PLEA FOR FISHING by John Drescher . Is a person a fisherman if year after year he never catches any fish? Now it came to…

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Confession 12 Wisdom

Confession 12 Wisdom CONFESSION 12 WISDOM The Lord has poured out His Spirit unto me and he makes known His Words unto me. I never stop confessing His Word but…

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Cutting Off The Cross

Cutting Off The Cross CUTTING OFF THE CROSS We heard of a dear old brother, who for many years took his stand, opposing the worldliness and drift in his church…

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Dont Be a Drip

Dont Be a Drip DON'T BE A DRIP! The Bible compares a quarrelsome, nagging wife to a constant dripping on a rainy day (Proverbs 19:13; 27:15). We all know how…

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