The Reading Room

The future Of Israel Reexamined

The future Of Israel Reexamined BIBLICAL HORIZONS copyright(c) 1991, Biblical Horizons Biblical Horizons is published occasionally, funds permitting, by Biblical Horizons, c/o Jordan, 642 Brookhaven, Niceville, FL 32578. Anyone sending…

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Traditions TRADITION Almost every Sunday School class will at one time or another play a little game to show the dangers of gossip. ÿThey will get ÿthe members in a…


Cleaning Symbiosis

Cleaning Symbiosis Cleaning Symbiosis An amazing relationship found in nature, which ridicules evolutionary thinking, is that of cleaning symbiosis. Fish, for example, roam about feeding on smaller fish and shrimp…

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Death Before Sin

Death Before Sin No. 191 DEATH BEFORE SIN? By James S. Stambaugh* Most people are familiar with the creation/evolution issue, yet not many people realize the importance of death to…

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Ideas In Theoretical Biology

Ideas In Theoretical Biology Francisco Aboitiz Neuroscience Office 73-346 Center for the Health Sciences University of California Los Angeles California 90024 Ideas in Theoretical Biology "Homology: A Comparative or a…

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