Does The Holy Ghost Have A Bodi
Does The Holy Ghost Have A Bodi DOES THE HOLY GHOST HAVE A BODILY SHAPE? All right, let's get John chapter 14 in one hand, and get Galatians in the…
The Reading Room
Does The Holy Ghost Have A Bodi DOES THE HOLY GHOST HAVE A BODILY SHAPE? All right, let's get John chapter 14 in one hand, and get Galatians in the…
Great Coming Events GREAT COMING EVENTS The coming of Jesus Christ in the clouds to take the saved of earth to heaven... "For the Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven…
Is The Bible Inspired IS THE BIBLE INSPIRED WHERE PAUL SAYS, "TO THE REST SPEAK I, NOT THE LORD"? Oh, yeah, it's inspired. He's saying, "By the Holy Spirit, I'm…
Old Testament Study Creation Part 1 Old Testament Study - Creation In the introductory files available on the study board I have taken a brief look at a number of…
Q11 What are Gods works of pr 11 Q What are God's works of providence? A God's works of providence are his most holy, # Ps 145:17 wise, # Isa…
Q27Christ exaltation 27 Q Wherein consists Christ's exaltation? A Christ's exaltation consists in his rising again from the dead on the third day, # 1Co 15:4 in ascending up into…
Q41 What is the sum of the ten 41 Q What is the sum of the ten commandments? A The sum of the ten commandments is to love the Lord…
Q56 What is forbiden in the si 56 Q What is forbidden in the sixth commandment? A The sixth commandment forbids the taking away of our own life, # Ac…
Q70 What is repentance to life 70 Q What is repentance to life? A Repentance to life is a saving grace, # Ac 11:18 whereby a sinner, out of a…
Question And Ansers Macarthur The following message was delivered at Grace Community Church in Panorama City, California, By John MacArthur Jr.. It was transcribed from the tape, GC 70-9, titled…