FORGETTING God FORGETTING God A characteristic of the wicked # Pr 2:17 Isa 65:11 Backsliders are guilty of # Jer 3:21,22 IS FORGETTING HIS 3a) Covenant # De 4:23 2Ki…
The Reading Room
FORGETTING God FORGETTING God A characteristic of the wicked # Pr 2:17 Isa 65:11 Backsliders are guilty of # Jer 3:21,22 IS FORGETTING HIS 3a) Covenant # De 4:23 2Ki…
GIBEONITES GIBEONITES Descended from the Hivites and Amorites # Jos 9:3,7 2Sa 21:2 A mighty and warlike people # Jos 10:2 Cities of # Jos 9:17 ISRAEL 4a) Deceived by…
HIGHWAYS HIGHWAYS Roads for public use # Nu 20:19 De 2:27 Called the king's highway # Nu 20:17 Marked out by heaps of stones # Jer 31:21 Generally broad #…
HOUSES HOUSES Antiquity of # Ge 12:1 19:3 Deep and solid foundations required for # Mt 7:24 Lu 6:48 Sometimes built without foundation # Mt 7:26 Lu 6:49 BUILT OF…
INSECTS INSECTS Created by God # Ge 1:24,25 DIVIDED INTO 2a) Clean and fit for food # Le 11:21,22 2b) Unclean and abominable # Le 11:23,24 3) MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE…
JUSTICE JUSTICE Commanded # De 16:20 Isa 56:1 Christ, an example of # Ps 98:9 Isa 11:4 Jer 23:5 Specially required in rulers # 2Sa 23:3 Eze 45:9 TO BE…
LEVIATHAN LEVIATHAN Created by God # Ps 104:26 Nature and habits of # Job 41:1-34 God's power, exhibited in destroying # Ps 74:14 ILLUSTRATIVE OF 4a) Powerful and cruel kings…
MACEDONIAN Empire MACEDONIAN Empire, The Called the kingdom of Grecia # Da 11:2 ILLUSTRATED BY THE 2a) Brazen part of the image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream # Da 2:32,39 2b) Leopard…
METALS METALS Dug out of the earth # Job 28:1,2,6 MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE 2a) Gold # Ge 2:11,12 2b) Silver # Ge 44:2 2c) Brass # Ex 27:2,4 2Ch 12:10…