Christian Psychologists
Christian Psychologists CHRISTIAN PSYCHOLOGIST There is no such thing as a Christian Psychologist. Unless of course there is a such a thing as a Christian strip tease dancer. Psychology is…
The Reading Room
Christian Psychologists CHRISTIAN PSYCHOLOGIST There is no such thing as a Christian Psychologist. Unless of course there is a such a thing as a Christian strip tease dancer. Psychology is…
Estamated Cost Of Raising Child ESTIMATED COSTS OF RAISING A CHILD - JUNE, 1985 (Moderate Level) (Husband & Wife Urban Family, with no more than 5 Children) (To update figures…
Hurt By Christian LeadersJame Hurt By Christian Leaders? This is a letter received from Dr. James C. Dobson, Ph.D President of Focus on the Family P.O. Box 500, Arcadia, Ca…
I Wonder If Mom Hears My Heart "I Wonder if Mom Hears My Heart?" October 5 Today my life began. My parents do not know it yet. I am as…
Christians Criticizing Christia Copyright 1992 by the Christian Research Institute. COPYRIGHT/REPRODUCTION LIMITATIONS: This data file is the sole property of the Christian Research Institute. It may not be altered or…
Gimmicks in the church SOUND DOCTRINE BOARD (303) 680-7209 8/N/1 300/1200 BAUD 24 HRS **** ASK FOR THE FREE TAPE CALLED "INSANITY IN THE CHURCH"!!!! **** # THE GIMMICK GOSPEL…
Jesus Is The Jewish Messiah Jesus Is The Jewish Messiah Seven years ago Jerusalem's Baptist Chapel was burned to the ground by unknown arsonists. After years of delay, the church…
Caution Religion Can Be Dange CAUTION - RELIGION CAN BE DANGEROUS! The law requires poison bottles to be clearly labeled as such in order to prevent accidental deaths. Unfortunately no…
Im Not So Bad "I'M NOT SO BAD" Some people resent being told that they are "sinners." Often people will react to a personal presentation of the gospel by saying,…
Homosexuals And Salvation Homosexuals and Salvation Ask anyone the following question and you will have a good idea of their view of the gospel: What would you tell a practicing…