Art thou in health, my friend? Bad health, or an improper course of life must have impelled you, surely, to espouse, -- I shall not say such principles, for they…
The Reading Room
Art thou in health, my friend? Bad health, or an improper course of life must have impelled you, surely, to espouse, -- I shall not say such principles, for they…
Infidels of the present day are greatly at a loss for some original vigorous spirit, -- one who could skim off old discolored froth, and dive deeper than his predecessors…
A visitor, some years ago, when commenting upon the concluding article of the infidel's creed, "I believe in all unbelief," remarked, that it might have been better expressed thus: "I…
In two respects, I perceive, the infidels in Europe resemble those in America: 1st. Rejecting everything. 2nd. Affirming nothing. You consider Christianity false, but you seem quite unable to give…
My persuasion is deepened, as I become acquainted with infidels, that there are few of them honest in the sentiments they pretend to entertain. A wicked course of life necessitates…
Doubtless you have read Ephesians 1:18, -- "The eyes of your understanding being enlightened." This implies that the mind has a looking faculty, as well as the body; and that…
Has my infidel reader never read the story of one Aristoxenus, the musician? So great was his admiration of his profession that he defined the human soul to be nothing…
I do not wonder that, instead of peace you have trouble, in all your "borders." When a prisoner has escaped, the "hue and cry" is immediately raised. So long as…
You are really ingenious in ferreting out difficulties in the way of giving your heart to God. The poor heart is "divided and subdivided" upon many things, and subjected, too,…
Do you remember the sentiment of a certain baronet respecting George Whitefield? Said he to a friend, "Mr. B____, after all that has been said, this Whitefield was truly a…