The Reading Room

Queen Of Heaven

Queen Of Heaven QUEEN OF HEAVEN BASIC R.C. BELIEF When Pius XII defined the Assumption of Mary Nov. 1, 1950, it was stated that she went, body and soul, to…

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What Is A Cult0

What Is A Cult0 WHAT IS A CULT? Beware of 'Another Gospel' Galatians 1:6-9 | II Cor 11:3-15 II Timothy 3:1-16 | II Timothy 4:3-4 Colossians 2:8-23 | Proverbs 14:12…

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Priest PRIEST BASIC R.C. BELIEF A man who is ordained by a Bishop in the Sacrament of Holy Orders to perform the Sacrifice of the Mass, hear confessions and dispense…



Relics RELICS BASIC R.C. BELIEF The remains of holy persons (parts of their bodies or possessions), entitled to veneration. Every Roman Catholic altar contains two relics of martyred saints. Traditional…


Paganism Witchcraft

Paganism Witchcraft Paganism A more encompassing term for witchcraft would be paganism. It has been called "man's first attempt at technology or his initial effort to gain controlof his environment.…

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Witchcraft WITCHCRAFT Witchcraft as a type of black MAGIC or sorcery exists in many societies, but the phenomenon has a special significance in western European history. European witchcraft was unique…



Valid VALID BASIC R.C. BELIEF Conforming to conditions essential to sacramental efficacy: proper rite, intention and status of minister, moral fitness and intention of recipient. A validly ordained priest may…
