The Reading Room

The Wiccan Religion

Paganism Witchcraft THE WICCAN RELIGION A more encompassing term for witchcraft would be paganism. It has been called "man's first attempt at technology or his initial effort to gain control…

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Pontiff PONTIFF BASIC R.C. BELIEF A name referring to all Roman Catholic Bishops; the Pope is called the Supreme Pontiff. Pagan priests of ancient Rome were in charge of the…



Women WOMEN POST VATICAN II "The traditional liturgical forms of the Church prohibit women (young girls, married, religious) from serving* the priest at the altar, even in women's chapels, houses,…



Reincarnation REINCARNATION IS IT COMPATIBLE WITH CHRISTIANITY? . More than ever, Americans are accepting as fact the idea of reincarnation - that a soul leaves one human body upon death…



Propitiation PROPITIATION BASIC R.C. BELIEF The Council of Trent defined the Sacrifice of the Mass as a propitiatory Sacrifice for the sins of the dead and the living. CHRISTIAN COMMENT…
