The Reading Room


Reincarnation REINCARNATION IS IT COMPATIBLE WITH CHRISTIANITY? . More than ever, Americans are accepting as fact the idea of reincarnation - that a soul leaves one human body upon death…



Paschal PASCHAL BASIC R.C. BELIEF Having to do with the Jewish Passover; in Roman Catholic terminology, anything associated with the Easter Season. The Paschal Candle is a large candle lit…


Perpetual Virginity

Perpetual Virginity PERPETUAL VIRGINITY BASIC R.C. BELIEF After the fifth century, many excess of devotion to Mary began to spring up. One was belief in her perpetual virginity (that Jesus…

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Ritual RITUAL BASIC R.C. BELIEF Prayers and ceremonies to be observed in the administration of the Sacraments and in such functions as burials and blessings.


Poland And The Vatican

Poland And The Vatican Poland And The Vatican After forty-four years of rejection by the Communists of eastern Europe, the Vatican has now been able to establish full diplomatic relations…

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Sign Of The Cross

Sign Of The Cross SIGN OF THE CROSS BASIC R.C. BELIEF According to many theologians, the most important sacramental of the Roman Catholic Church. One makes the sign with the…

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Sin SIN BASIC R.C. BELIEF From A CATECHISM FOR ADULTS, page 27. "Sin is any thought, word, desire, action or neglect forbidden by the Law of God. To be guilty…
