The Reading Room

Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II POPE JOHN PAUL II QUOTATIONS From L'OSSERVATORE ROMANO, 7/31/89. "Truly the Eucharistic mystery unites all believers, and that means us, but virtually it also reaches nonChristians…

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Vatican II

Vatican II VATICAN II A Roman Catholic Church Council, convened by John XXIII in 1962, interrupted by his death and re-convened by Paul VI. It ended in 1965, and was…

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Scapulars SCAPULARS DEFINITION From SACRAMENTALS, Catholic Information Society. At work a monk threw over his head a large apron which covered him back and front. This apron was called a…


Schism Sizzum

Schism Sizzum SCHISM (sizz-um) BASIC R.C. BELIEF Schism occurs when baptized people refuse to be subject to the Pope. The chief historical schism was in the 11th century when the…

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The Vatican State

The Vatican State The State Of The Vatican Anyone familiar with history knows that the Roman Catholic Church is primarily a political organization with totalitarian designs. For those gullible, naive…

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Warning Of New Age Threat

Warning Of New Age Threat From the San Francisco "Chronicle" Wednesday, April 25, 1990 Chronicle Poll: Last of Two Parts Warning of New Age 'Threat' Traditional churches decry 'glorification of…

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