The Reading Room

Schism Sizzum

Schism Sizzum SCHISM (sizz-um) BASIC R.C. BELIEF Schism occurs when baptized people refuse to be subject to the Pope. The chief historical schism was in the 11th century when the…

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The New Age Movement

The New Age Movement THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT LESSON 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Much of the following material is taken from the book entitled "Unmasking The New Age" by Douglas Groothuis INTRODUCTION:…

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St Philomena

St Philomena ST. PHILOMENA From THE ROMAN CATHOLIC. "Pope Gregory XVI solemnly canonized St. Philomena. This can be attested by past papal documents and Church historians, particularly Father Buonavenia, a…

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Prophet Misses Armageddon Eli

Prophet Misses Armageddon Eli PROPHET MISSES ARMAGEDDON, AGAIN Elizabeth Clare Prophet, leader of the Church Universal and Triumphant, once again has misled her followers with doomsday predictions. After consulting astrological…

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Treasury Of Merit

Treasury Of Merit TREASURY OF MERIT (OR TREASURY OF THE CHURCH) BASIC R.C. BELIEF The superabundant merits of Christ and the saints from which the Church draws to confer spiritual…

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The Vatican State

The Vatican State The State Of The Vatican Anyone familiar with history knows that the Roman Catholic Church is primarily a political organization with totalitarian designs. For those gullible, naive…

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