The Reading Room

Roman Catholic Doctrine

Roman Catholic Doctrine Roman Catholic Doctrine The following materials are copyrighted by Christian Equippers International (916-542-1509). We are availing the booklet here with its author's permission. You may read and…

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The Vatican State

The Vatican State The State Of The Vatican Anyone familiar with history knows that the Roman Catholic Church is primarily a political organization with totalitarian designs. For those gullible, naive…

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TM Who Needs It

TM Who Needs It T.M. - WHO NEEDS IT? It's happening across our country! Large ads in metropolitan newspapers offer free introductory lectures. High school and college students are being…

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Satanism On The Increase

Satanism On The Increase SATANISM ON THE INCREASE . The rapid growth of Satan worship and similarly related cults has many people worried. Law enforcement agencies, clergy, and even animal-rights…

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