The Reading Room

Votive LampsCandles

Votive LampsCandles VOTIVE LAMPS/CANDLES BASIC R.C. BELIEF Votive lamps are a modern adaptation of votive candles; either are lit before a shrine or statue, and the person who lights it…

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Who Is A Saint

Who Is A Saint WHO IS A SAINT? . The answer to this question must be from the Bible because God alone has the right to state the qualifications for…

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Stations Of The Cross

Stations Of The Cross STATIONS OF THE CROSS BASIC R.C. BELIEF A sacramental of the Roman Catholic Church. To do this devotion, one says a prayer before each of the…

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The OuiJa Board

The OuiJa Board THE OUIJA BOARD Is it really a harmless game? A ÿharmless game? ÿ"It's fun to play Ouija ÿBoard!" ÿÿ"It scared ÿme!" ÿ"It shocked me with the things…

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Shrod Of Turin

Shrod Of Turin SHROUD OF TURIN BASIC R.C. BELIEF The Shroud of Turin, a 14'3" long cloth that was alleged to have been the burial cloth of Jesus, first showed…

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