The Shroud Of Turin
The Shroud Of Turin THE SHROUD OF TURIN Pope Paul VI called it "the greatest relic in Christendom." A 16th century Roman Catholic soldier, sent to persectute the Christians in…
The Reading Room
The Shroud Of Turin THE SHROUD OF TURIN Pope Paul VI called it "the greatest relic in Christendom." A 16th century Roman Catholic soldier, sent to persectute the Christians in…
Vestments VESTMENTS BASIC R.C. BELIEF A priest is elaborately attired for Mass, with different colored vestments for different seasons. Each garment has a religious meaning. POST VATICAN II Vestments have…
Where Have You Gone Lord Maitre WHERE HAVE YOU GONE, "LORD" MAITREYA? by Albert James Dager Last year, April 25, the world was stunned by the announcement in some twenty…
Votive Mass VOTIVE MASS BASIC R.C. BELIEF A Mass to honor a person of the Trinity, a saint or for a special intention. On days of minor importance, a votive…
Whos That Knocking At My Door "Who's That Knocking At My Door?" Written For CfC by Gary L. Tittle Door-to-Door witnessing is an experience for all believers; and yet there…
TM Cult Of The Empty Mind TM - CULT OF THE EMPTY MIND . Transcendental Meditation comes in many guises. Indeed, it can come heavily disguised. (For a Hindu this…
TM Who Needs It T.M. - WHO NEEDS IT? It's happening across our country! Large ads in metropolitan newspapers offer free introductory lectures. High school and college students are being…
Pope John XXIII POPE JOHN XXIII QUOTATIONS From AD LIMINA TALKS , PAGES 57,67,68. "On the opening day of Vatican II, John XXIII said, `The greatest concern of the Ecumnenical…
Veronica VERONICA BASIC R.C. BELIEF One of the scenes of the Stations of the Cross) is a woman wiping the face of Jesus with a towel; His image was miraculously…
Spiritualismsorcerywitchcraft Spiritualism, Sorcery and Witchcraft..... what does the Bible say? Do you know that God commanded Israel that those who practice sorcery or witchcraft should not be permitted to live?…