The worlds most dangerous book
The worlds most dangerous book ====[ The Christian BBS - Vic., B.C., 604-478-2789, 8,N,1 - 24 Hrs. ]==== THE WORLDS MOST DANGEROUS BOOK!! Would you place you trust in a…
The Reading Room
The worlds most dangerous book ====[ The Christian BBS - Vic., B.C., 604-478-2789, 8,N,1 - 24 Hrs. ]==== THE WORLDS MOST DANGEROUS BOOK!! Would you place you trust in a…
Pope Joan POPE JOAN Editor's Note: There has for centuries been a controversy raging about the occupancy of the "see of Peter" by a female. The following article was copied…
Indulgences INDULGENCES BASIC R.C. BELIEF The remission in whole or in part of the temporal punishment due for sins which have been forgiven. The gaining of these and other credits…
Good Friday GOOD FRIDAY BASIC R.C. BELIEF The traditional day upon which Jesus died, and hence it is given great importance. It is observed as a day of fasting and…
Magisterium MAGISTERIUM BASIC R.C. BELIEF "The teaching authority of the Church in the pope and the bishops united with the pope. It is designed to take things from scripture and…
Intention INTENTION BASIC R.C. BELIEF This doctrine, which was hotly debated for centuries, states that in certain cases, an ordained priest may conduct all the sacramental forms, yet inwardly withhold…
Music And The New Age Michael March 1988 MUSIC AND THE NEW AGE Joseph Schimmel Michael Jackson, a best-selling singer, songwriter, producer, movie star and dancer, is the uncontested, outstanding…
Is Jesus Yahweh Jehovahs Wit "Is Jesus Yahweh?" The name Yahweh (or Jehovah) appears nearly 7,000 times in the Old Testament. Most English translations render the Hebrew name for God…
Growth Of Islam in the UK The ÿfollowing ÿcommentary was taken from the Christian_Net ÿecho (an international Fidonet bulletin board echo) SUBJECT: GROWTH OF ISLAM IN UK Greetings ÿKevin. ÿÿI…