The Reading Room

Hyper Dulia

Hyper Dulia HYPER DULIA BASIC R.C. BELIEF Hyper dulia is an inferior type of veneration given to Mary. It is below Latria (reserved for God malone) and dulia (for the…

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Holy Cummunion

Holy Cummunion HOLY COMMUNION BASIC R.C. BELIEF One of the seven sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church. It is a partaking of Jesus in the form of a Host at…

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Self realization fellowship

Self realization fellowship SELF REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP Self Realization Fellowship was founded by Swami Paramahansa Yogananda and was brought to America in l920. International headquarters for SRF is in Los Angeles…

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Growth Of Islam in the UK

Growth Of Islam in the UK The ÿfollowing ÿcommentary was taken from the Christian_Net ÿecho (an international Fidonet bulletin board echo) SUBJECT: GROWTH OF ISLAM IN UK Greetings ÿKevin. ÿÿI…

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Kiss Of Peace

Kiss Of Peace KISS OF PEACE BASIC R.C. BELIEF A ceremony during Mass when the clergy exchange Christian greetings. Also included in this part of Roman Catholic theology is kissing…

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Immaculate Conception

Immaculate Conception IMMACULATE CONCEPTION BASIC R.C. BELIEF In 1854, Pius IX defined this dogma as follows - "Through a special grace given by God, and anticipating the redemptive work of…

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Host HOST BASIC R.C. BELIEF The Sacred Host (a thin round wafer), blessed by a priest, is the entire Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ under the appearance…



Indulgences INDULGENCES BASIC R.C. BELIEF The remission in whole or in part of the temporal punishment due for sins which have been forgiven. The gaining of these and other credits…
