The Reading Room

Good Friday

Good Friday GOOD FRIDAY BASIC R.C. BELIEF The traditional day upon which Jesus died, and hence it is given great importance. It is observed as a day of fasting and…

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Magisterium MAGISTERIUM BASIC R.C. BELIEF "The teaching authority of the Church in the pope and the bishops united with the pope. It is designed to take things from scripture and…



Intention INTENTION BASIC R.C. BELIEF This doctrine, which was hotly debated for centuries, states that in certain cases, an ordained priest may conduct all the sacramental forms, yet inwardly withhold…



Fitness FITNESS BASIC R.C. BELIEF From PURGATORY, Catholic Information Society, Imp. John Whealon, page 10. "In demonstrating the reasonableness of a doctrine, theologians use what they call an `argument of…


Holy See

Holy See HOLY SEE The term "Holy See" means the Pope and all the offices through which he administers the affairs of the church.

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Immaculate Heart Of Mary

Immaculate Heart Of Mary IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY BASIC R.C. BELIEF This devotion was initiated by St. John Eudes in the 17th century, but didn't receive much recognition until the…

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Impediments To Marriage

Impediments To Marriage IMPEDIMENTS TO MARRIAGE BASIC R.C. BELIEF Diriment impediments are those that render a marriage null and void. They are: solemn vow of chastity, close blood relationship, some…

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New Age Occultism

New Age Occultism Fri, Dec 11, 1992 1:35:46 PM I am reminded of the book "Life, the Universe, and Everything" by Douglas0 Adams. In this book, a civilization creates a…

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