The Reading Room

Jehovahs WitnessesBarely Ac

Jehovahs WitnessesBarely Ac Copyright 1993 by the Christian Research Institute. COPYRIGHT/REPRODUCTION LIMITATIONS: This data file is the sole property of the Christian Research Institute. It may not be altered or…

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Infallibility INFALLIBILITY BASIC R.C. BELIEF A special gift whereby the Church is preserved free from teaching error in matters of faith and morals. It is expressed by definitions of popes,…



Jesuits JESUITS One of the orders of Roman Catholic priests, designated by their having "S.J." after their names. They were founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in 1534, and were known…



Hierarchy HIERARCHY BASIC R.C. BELIEF Roman Catholics define this term as signifying sacred government. They admit that those participating in this government could do so by virtue of ordination. POST…



Missal MISSAL BASIC R.C. BELIEF The book containing prayers and ceremonial directions for celebration of Mass. Special missals are used by the laity so that they can better follow what…


Growing DangersPositive Conf

Growing DangersPositive Conf Copyright 1993 by the Christian Research Institute. COPYRIGHT/REPRODUCTION LIMITATIONS: This data file is the sole property of the Christian Research Institute. It may not be altered or…

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Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday MAUNDY THURSDAY BASIC R.C. BELIEF Maundy: Latin, command. It gets its name from the command to wash one another's feet. The Pope, every year on Maundy Thursday, publicly…

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