The Reading Room

Nuptial Mass

Nuptial Mass NUPTIAL MASS BASIC R.C. BELIEF Mass celebrated in connection with a wedding. Grace needed for marriage are bestowed through the Sacrament of Matrimony, the Mass and the solemn…

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Judaism JUDAISM The origin and development of Judaism is traced in the Old Testament. Moses was not the founder of Judaism since YAHWEH (normal rendition of the unpronounceable name for…


Opus Dei

Opus Dei OPUS DEI Opus Dei, which means "the work of the Lord" is a lay order founded by Msgr. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer y Albas in Madrid, Spain in…

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Our Lady

Our Lady Our Lady (Notre Dame) Called to Preach From The Columbus Dispatch, we read the following advertisement; it is printed over a photograph of the face of a statue…

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Holy Viaticum

Holy Viaticum HOLY VIATICUM BASIC R.C. BELIEF Holy Communion given to a person in danger of dying, in the Sacrament of Extreme Unction. Viaticum means provision for a journey.

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Lent LENT BASIC R.C. BELIEF The name given to the 40 week days before Easter, starting Ash Wednesday. During Lent Roman Catholics are supposed to undergo some voluntary privation and…



Galileo GALILEO SECULAR JOURNALS From TIME (7/12/68). "A Catholic prelate strongly hinted that the Vatican may be preparing to lift its condemnation of Galileo Galilei, the 17th century Italian physicist…


Hooked On Astrology

Hooked On Astrology HOOKED ON ASTROLOGY! (Please read this letter we received on Astrology. Editor's Note) Dear Friends: While visiting a church in Denver, I picked up two of your…

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Memorial MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN COMMENT Some Roman Catholics refer to the Mass as a memorial. However, the Roman Catholic definition of memorial is "the making effective in the present of an…


Nottingham Statement

Nottingham Statement NOTTINGHAM STATEMENT In April 1977 the Nottingham Congress for Evangelical Anglicans published the Nottingham Statement as a faithful expression of the mind of evangelical Anglicans. Chairman of the…

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