
Seafood California New, Text, Import 1 Servings


1 lb Firm white fish
1 lg Onion
2 Cloves garlic
2 Hot peppers, up to 3
1/2 c Fresh lemon juice, to 3/4 cup


In a ceramic bowl, place the fish which has been cut into 1/2 inch squares.
Dice the onion and finely chop the garlic.  Clean the peppers and cut into
very small pieces.  Cover with fresh lemon juice. Season with salt and
pepper.  Make sure the lemon juice covers the fish and the vegetables.
Refrigerate for at least 8 hours. Serve with crackers as an appetizer
before cocktails or as first course on lettuce leaves. To make it easier to
slice the fish, freeze it slightly. A glass bowl may be used, but not metal
or plastic.  Fairfield, California
Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #281
Date: Wed, 06 Nov 1996 07:53:45 -0800
From: Gerald Edgerton <jerrye@wizard.com>

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“Thankfulness to God is a recognition that God in His goodness and faithfulness has provided for us and cared for us, both physically and spiritually. It is a recognition that we are totally dependent upon Him; that all that we are and have comes from God. #Jerry Bridges”

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