Meats, Grains Dutch Diane, Gravy, Meats, Sauces 1 Servings


1 Whole, 3 or 4 lb fryer cut
up in serving size pieces
3 T Sugar
1 Whole extra large onion
chopped fine
4 Buttons garlic, chopped fine
Salt, pepper
Celery seed to taste


Use a heavy pot, roaster or iron Dutch oven. Caramelize the sugar.  Put
the sugar in the pot and set on the flame; watch very closely to  not
let it burn. You may have to move the pot about some, but don't  let
the sugar burn. Don't leave it for one second! Have a container  of
cold water setting near by and when the sugar is a golden brown,  pour
in about 2 cups or so of the water and let it boil the sugar  loose.
Have your chicken ready and drop it all into the sugar water  at once.
Add salt and pepper seasoning. Have onions and garlic all  prepared
before hand and add these to the chicken after the water has  boiled
down and your chicken is sort of frying. Stir meat, onions and  garlic
about every few minutes. Heat and add 1/3 cup water and put  the lid on
the pot and when it sounds like it is frying, add another  1/3 cup cold
water and stir around so the brown gravy juice gets on  every piece.
When you check the chicken and it is tender, add about 2  cups of water
and let it boil a little, then it is ready to eat over  rice or creamed
potatoes.  About Chicken Rusty Gravy: When I was about 33 years old, an
old  great aunt came to stay a week with us. She told me about this
rusty  gravy and why it was called this. She was born and raised in
Louisiana where mostly French settlers lived at that time. She had
kept this little trick to herself all those years, then she decided  to
let me in on it. I have guarded it carefully until now. I did  teach my
children how to cook this, my boys and girls. This method  can be used
for pork, venison, duck, in fact any kind of meat, even  wild birds. I
have gone into detail about it, but once you learn how  you can get
along without so much detail. For beginners it will be  difficult, but
for an old cook, not so hard. Hull Posted to  recipelu-digest Volume 01
Number 405 by "Diane Geary."  <diane@keyway.net> on Dec 27, 1997

A Message from our Provider:

“Don’t confuse God’s patience with his final response”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 714
Calories From Fat: 111
Total Fat: 12.3g
Cholesterol: 292.4mg
Sodium: 254.9mg
Potassium: 881.4mg
Carbohydrates: 37.8g
Fiber: 0g
Sugar: 37.7g
Protein: 106.7g

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