We Love God!

God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)

As the flower in the garden stretches toward the light of the sun, so there is in the child a mysterious inclination toward the eternal light. Have you ever noticed this mysterious thing that when you tell the smallest child about God, [he or she] never asks with strangeness and wonder, “What or who is God – I have never seen Him,” but listens with shining face to the words as though they soft loving sounds from the land of home. Or when you teach a child to fold [his or her] little hands in prayer that [he or she] does this as though it were a matter of course, as though [it was] opening for [the child] that world of which [he or she] had been dreaming with longing and anticipation. Or tell them, these little ones, the stories of the Savior, show them the pictures with scenes and personages of the Bible – how their pure eyes shine, how their little hearts beat.
R.C.H. Lenski

The following principles of leadership emerge from biblical teaching: 1. Christian leaders should be certain that their goal is to serve God and others, not to receive the title or honor that comes with leadership. 2. Leaders should not use their position for their own advantage or comfort. No task should be “beneath” them – although some tasks may be delegated. They should not ask others to do what they are unwilling to do themselves. 3. Leaders will seek to distinguish their own preferences from the will and welfare of the group as a whole. 4. Normally the position should seek the leader. There may be some situations in which persons may apply or volunteer. Nevertheless, when someone strongly desires a particular responsibility, his or her motivation should be carefully examined. 5. We must learn to see each other as valuable to the Lord and basically equal in his sight.
Millard Erickson

Bible – chinese – 新标点和合本 哥林多前书 6

你们岂不知不义的人不能承受 神的国吗?不要自欺!无论是淫乱的、拜偶像的、奸淫的、作娈童的、亲男色的、
10 偷窃的、贪婪的、醉酒的、辱骂的、勒索的,都不能承受 神的国。
11 你们中间也有人从前是这样;但如今你们奉主耶稣基督的名,并借着我们 神的灵,已经洗净,成圣,称义了。
在身子上荣耀 神
12 凡事我都可行,但不都有益处。凡事我都可行,但无论哪一件,我总不受它的辖制。
13 食物是为肚腹,肚腹是为食物;但 神要叫这两样都废坏。身子不是为淫乱,乃是为主;主也是为身子。
14 并且 神已经叫主复活,也要用自己的能力叫我们复活。
15 岂不知你们的身子是基督的肢体吗?我可以将基督的肢体作为娼妓的肢体吗?断乎不可!
16 岂不知与娼妓联合的,便是与她成为一体吗?因为主说:「二人要成为一体。」
17 但与主联合的,便是与主成为一灵。
18 你们要逃避淫行。人所犯的,无论什么罪,都在身子以外,惟有行淫的,是得罪自己的身子。
19 岂不知你们的身子就是圣灵的殿吗?这圣灵是从 神而来,住在你们里头的;并且你们不是自己的人,
20 因为你们是重价买来的。所以,要在你们的身子上荣耀 神。