Meats, Grains, Eggs Chinese Breads, Chinese, Muffins & r, Pork & ham 4 Servings


2 Heads Boston lettuce
Dried Chinese mushrooms
6 8 mushrooms
8 oz Waterchestnuts, canned
1/2 c Bamboo shoots
1 lb Ground pork
1 Egg
1 1/2 T Soy sauce
4 t Cornstarch
2 T Dry sherry
3/4 c Chicken broth
1/2 t Salt, to taste
1/4 c Corn oil
1 c Celery, minced


Black mushrooms are optional. If using, soak in boiling water for 30
minutes, drain, cut off stems, and chop. 2. Wash lettuce, dry, and
arrange 16-20 of the largest leaves on a serving plate, then
refrigerate. Use head lettuce if Boston lettuce is not available. 3.
Mince the waterchestnuts and bamboo shoots; add to drained mushrooms.
Set aside. 4. Mix together the pork, slightly beaten egg, soy sauce
and 3 teaspoons (1 tablespoon) of the cornstarch. Set aside. 5.
Combine sherry, 1/2 cup broth and salt. Add remaining 1 teaspoon
cornstarch to the remaining 1/3 cup broth, blend well. 6. Heat a wok
or heavy skillet; add oil to the hot skillet. Add pork mixture and
cook, stirring constantly, about 5 minutes. 8. Add mushroom mixture;
cook, stirring constantly, 2 minutes. 9. Stir in wine mixture and the
cornstarch mixture. 10. Add celery and stir until celery is heated
through. If celery is minced fine enough, it won't need any further
cooking time. Place meat on a serving dish. To serve, let each guest
fill a lettuce leaf with pork and roll the leaf. This is to be eaten
with the fingers.  Recipe By     : Jo Anne Merrill  File

A Message from our Provider:

“To dyslexic atheist: There is a dog”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 668
Calories From Fat: 510
Total Fat: 56.7g
Cholesterol: 120.2mg
Sodium: 1496.5mg
Potassium: 879.9mg
Carbohydrates: 17.9g
Fiber: 3.8g
Sugar: 4.8g
Protein: 21g

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